Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 29/2013

Jurassic paleogeographic reconstruction and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Lucretili and Sabini Mountains (central Italy), new data and interpretations

Giacomo Medici (a) & Dario Saccoccia (b)
(a) School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9 JT, UK. (b) Via di Villa Braschi 15, Tivoli (RM);

Volume: 29/2013
Pages: 101-103


The study area is located in the central Apennines (Italy), between the Lucretili and the southern Sabini Mountains. The stratigraphic and structural data collected in the field resulted in a paleogeographic reconstruction of the Sabina domain that is comparable with the paleogeography of the Umbria-Marche domain, in which the Jurassic horsts are spaced by a distance of about ten kilometers. The structural analysis of fault planes allowed to reconstruct the Tertiary tectonic evolution of the sector, which was affected by five kinematic phases. A first compressional phase, with NE-SW maximum compression, was followed by a second compressional phase with WNWESE maximum compression. The polyphasic compressional phase affected this sector during the late Miocene-early Pliocene, it is due to the convergence between the African plate and the European plate. The compression was followed by a minor strike-slip tectonic phase. Compressional and strike slip structures were then affected by an extensional phase, subsequent to the early Pliocene, with NE-SW minimum compression. The extensional phase is due to the roll-back of the Adria slab. Finally a new Pleistocene strike-slip phase affected the study area and it can be related to the stress due to the effect of the Mesozoic rifting on the lithosphere, in terms of subductibility.


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