Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 36/2015

Geology and the Great War - The geology of the Western Front, from Flanders to the Vosges

Jean-Paul Fizaine (a) & Jean-Claude Porchier (b)
(a) Laboratoire LOTERR, Université de Lorraine, (b) Association des Géologues du Bassin de Paris, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris,

Volume: 36/2015
Pages: 72-76


The western front was completely located in the Paris Basin, from the flatlands of Flanders to the Vosges Mountains. It was thus natural for the Association of the Geologists of the Basin of Paris (AGBP) to make its contribution to the remembrance of the Centenary of the Great War, with the realization of a synthesis of the present state of knowledge on the role played by the geology in this conflict. This synthesis, begun in 2014, will lead to a publication at the end of 2017. It will rely on the numerous works which were carried out by geographers and geologists during the war and in the years which followed, and will integrate the new studies, in particular those currently carried out on environmental issues. The publication will deal with: - The main geological structures of the battlefield; - The various geological formations intersected by the front line and their influence on the main battles; - The major battles replaced in their geological context; - Thematic chapters on hydrology, underground quarries, mine warfare, ground trafficability, environmental consequences, mineral supplies, new technologies . . .


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