Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 39/2016

MobileMap Italy: an app for consulting and querying geographical open data on smartphone

Gianfranco Di Pietro (a), Fabio Rinnone (a) & Andrea Salvaggio (a)
(a) Geofunction Srls, Via Luigi Sturzo, 71, 93015, Niscemi, Italy. E-mail:

Volume: 39/2016
Pages: 60-63


We present MobileMap Italy, a mobile app that allows user to querying geographical open data on smartphones with GPS sensor and internet connection. MobileMap Italy is a native Android app and a multiplatform web app connected with WMS services of public administration. The app is compatible with all Android devices from API level 8 (Froyo). We also developed a web app which allows consultation of published services by browser and it supports data and geo-referenced queries on maps. MobileMap Italy allows consulting of published map services and supports data query and geocoding, using open source libraries. In particular, it uses OpenLayers and Apache Cordova open-source frameworks. Main features of the app are: pan and zoom, geocoding using OpenRouteService API, geolocation using GPS sensor; levels selection, and maps querying. The cataloging of WMS services is fully automated by a desktop software specifically developed in Java language. All WMS service and layers information are stored in a MySQL remote database.


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